What I Did Today
written by: Sandra Harper 1/19/11
You asked me what I did today,
I wiped a tear, I stopped and played.
I attended a tea party for four,
I had one cup then asked for more.
I read a storybook or two,
I even kissed a few boo boo's.
I danced until I was out of breath,
My bosom a pillow for a small head to rest.
I wiped off chocolate from a dirty face,
I ran pretty fast but lost a race.
I giggled until I almost wet my pants,
My heart was melted with one small glance.
You see my three granddaughters came to visit today,
I'll cherish each moment is all I can say!
ECCLESIASTES 3:1 - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
I loved the poem. You should submit it to " The Mature Living Magazine" that the Southern Baptist published. The magazine is full of stories, poems and etc. from grandparents. I will get you a magazine from our church so you can get the info you need to submit.