Have you ever really looked at yourself in the mirror? I'm not talking about a glance to see if your makeup is smeared or your hair is out of place. I'm talking about really LOOKING at yourself. Well I did last night. As I was washing my face with Dove soap and then slathering on Ponds cold cream, I looked and I did not like what I saw. At first all I saw was grey hair, wrinkles, age spots, a big nose and lots of rolls of fat. My mind was pointing all those things out to me and I did not like them one bit. I really wanted to just look away, turn out the light and go crawl under the covers never to show my face again to the outside world but I remember hearing on TV about this experiment about really looking at yourself in a mirror with your heart not your mind. I was determined to stand there and look until I could see myself with my heart. It took quite a few minutes but as I stood there looking, it finally came to me. God doesn't look at the outside person, He looks on the inside so it doesn't matter what you or anybody else thinks about your outer appearence. I looked deep into my eyes until I saw the very depths of my soul. This body of mine is just a vessel for my soul to live in. So from now on I am going to try and concentrate on the spiritual being that lives inside of me. If I feed my soul through prayer, daily bible reading and going to church then my physical body is going to be ok. As I kept looking I realized that I actually am a pretty good person. I love my Lord, I love my family, I love my friends, I love my neighbor and I try to help the less fortunate. And that's all that really matters. So from now on I will try and love myself for whom I am. Me Sandra. Created by God in His likeness.
GENESIS 1:27 - So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.
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